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Red Egg Rebirth Cure

Posted by on Mar 7, 2016 in Cures, Energy Flow Ch’i, Good Luck, Intention, Perception | 0 comments

The Red Egg Rebirth is a beautiful way to welcome the energies of the season of glorious Spring. Buy a carton of eggs and smuggle it into your home without letting anyone else see them (once they leave the grocer). Boil one egg. In the palm of your hand, with your middle finger only, mix 1 teaspoon paprika with drops of dark rum equal to your age plus one. Over a paper napkin, roll the egg in the palm of your hand covering it with the mix. Bits will drop onto the napkin. Once covered, place the egg on a paper napkin. No rub both palms...

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Shifting Chi to Sell Your Home

Posted by on Feb 22, 2016 in Cures, Energy Flow Ch’i, Good Luck, Helpful People & Travel Gua, Intention | 0 comments

The energy surrounding our homes is one of the most powerful ties that bind. Our home is where we celebrate, weep, find refuge, fight with loved ones, release energy (both positive and negative), offer the best of our self to others, and where we rest. It’s THE place we are our most basic selves. So no wonder that it’s sometimes hard to sell your home. It is the place that stores our most prized possessions, comforts us when we need our personal space, and houses all the things that make ‘us’, well, us. Cutting the cord...

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What’s Your Energy Attracting?

Posted by on Feb 15, 2016 in Cures, Intention, Perception | 0 comments

This week let’s focus on what you want in life and how to open the space to attract that same energy. After all, EVERYthing is energy. Our thoughts, words, actions, reactions, and daily tasks refrain the energy surrounding us. So what’s YOUR refrain? Is it reflecting the love and hope within your soul? If not, use this opportunity to ‘cure’ that reaction with feng shui. As we know, what’s closest to us has the most effect on us. And our thoughts are truly close to us as they interpret, perceive, and literally...

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Happy Lunar New Year: Yang, Fire Monkey

Posted by on Feb 8, 2016 in 5 Elements, Yin/Yang | 0 comments

Happy Lunar (Chinese) New Year!! It’s the year of the Yang (Masculine) Fire Monkey, a mischievous sign that loves fun but can also play the role of ‘primate flinging poo’. Yang energy is the active, moving, up energy of the yin/yang cycle so get ready for a energetic year. The fire element brings many positive paths for the upcoming two year cycle. Fire is associated with Fame & Reputation and is symbolized by the Phoenix, the mystical bird of new beginnings, self-made new beginnings, and starting over on your journey....

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Who Is Responsible for Your Happiness?

Posted by on Jan 8, 2016 in 5 Elements, Fame & Reputation Gua | 0 comments

In your life, who is responsible for YOUR happiness? In Feng Shui, joy is associated with the element of fire. Activate the fire element to bring joy into your life. Place representations of fire in your surroundings with shapes (triangles), fire itself, and the colors of fire (red, yellow, orange, blue & purples) to fan the flames of happiness. Love and Light!

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Strength in Wintertime

Posted by on Jan 7, 2016 in 5 Elements, Intention | 0 comments

The feng shui energy of winter teaches us to go inward to gain strength. To replenish your strength, sleep more, drink more water, and listen to your instincts. This will honor the energy of the winter water element as well as give you more space to create the life you truly wish to live. Love and Light.

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Let’s Get Real: Yin, Earth

Posted by on Jan 6, 2016 in 5 Elements, Yin/Yang | 0 comments

Let’s shake things up. Let’s get real. I am a profoundly positive person and strive to see the good, the hope, and the light. That does not mean things always go my way. It does not mean I don’t experience struggle, pain, sadness, and emptiness. I see life as a journey and I want to express the reality of life, not just represent an ideal. There must be darkness for us to know what light is. With that said, in the coming months I intend to share HOW I keep moving forward when life is showing me how to be stronger (when things get hard)....

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Ancestor Love

Posted by on Jan 5, 2016 in Cures, Energy Flow Ch’i, Family & Daily Cash Gua, Wealth | 0 comments

Want more Feng Shui traditions, cures and intentions? Then use the energy of today, the fifth day of the New Year to visit parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family. Feng Shui holds a lot of druthers with honoring your ancestors. How to make your visit mean more??? Take along a red flowering plant shared with the intention of invoking good health in the coming year. And remember to share the Prosperity, Wealth & Abundance by gifting coins, bills, bonds, and stocks – any type of money will do. If you can’t travel, send...

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Tsao Chun and Anoia: Deities of Kitchen Love & Light

Posted by on Jan 4, 2016 in Cures, Energy Flow Ch’i, Feng Shui, Helpful People & Travel Gua, Intention | 0 comments

Spoiler alert: it’s kitchen deity day. Why today? In Feng Shui, it’s very auspicious to cook a special meal on the fourth day of the New Year (both in the gregorian and lunar calendars so remember this one for February 12th, too). This Feng Shui cure is association with one of the Five Deities of Fortune in Chinese folk lore. The kitchen god, Tsao Chun, was a man who’s task it was to watch over the family fortune from, you guessed it, the kitchen. And anyone who’s lost a gravy ladle, had a drawer get stuck on a pie server, or burned...

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Grandma Love

Posted by on Jan 3, 2016 in 5 Elements, Angel Chi, Cures, Energy Flow Ch’i | 0 comments

Today is all about honoring my ancestors, specifically my Grandmother Mitchell, the only grandparent living after my birth. And she was Grandma to everyone. Full of love for every person, animal, and plant she encountered. She taught me to be empathetic, kind, delicate, and faithful. Today I will light a candle and burn it down to the wick while thinking happy thoughts of all the beauty my (middle) namesake, Leacy Mae, shared with me and my family and friends. The candle is to be placed beside the photo of Grandma that lives in my Family &...

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