Winter Solstice
Today is the Winter Solstice. It happens for all us — humans, animals, plants, waters, earth, and sky — at exactly the same moment when the sun rises over Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England at 8:04 am. That comforting thought gives me peace. We are all one. We experience this life in the exact same way. Regardless of how we fight, we are one. “I am.” To close the gap and sow seeds of love, we are guided in Feng Shui to give what we want most to receive. Whether that be time, love,...
Read MoreSinterklaas Feng Shui
Happy, happy Sinterklaas. You don’t know Sinterklaas? He’s the traditional holiday figure of the Netherlands who’s jolly, wears white, and is celebrated on Saint Nicholas Eve (can you guess what tomorrow is boys and girls). He’s the guy with the list folks and he’s checking it twice. So how can we help Sinterklaas know we’re merry and bright? Use the tried and true Feng Shui cure of writing out your intentions for a easy, breezy holiday season on red ribbon with gold pen (use...
Read MorePut the Tree in the Water and watch what grows
You’ll be dreaming of a blue Christmas if you place your Christmas tree in the Water Element; the front, middle of your home. (Need help locating that gua/area of your home? Download a Bagua Map at As you can imagine, your tree will soak up the Water Element energy in this location so make sure your tree is full of water (you may have to water it more often in this location). The colors associated with the Water Element are blacks, blues, and deep greens....
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